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Working Group conducted date : 22/06/2018
08/07/2018 | G.O (Rt) No.1349/2018/H.EDN Higher Education Department - Annual Plan 2018-19 purchase of various computer accessories for Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam - Admn sanction accorded - orders issued |
07/07/2018 | G.O (Rt) No.1344/2018/H.EDN Higher Education Department - Collegiate Education - Annual Plan 2018-19 Plan Schemes pertaining to Collegiate Education Department - Administrative sanction accorded - orders issued |
28/06/2018 | G.O (Rt) No.1283/2018/H.EDN Higher Education Department - Collegiate Education - allotment of fund for Scholar Support Programme and Walk with a Scholar - Administrative Sanction - modified - orders issued |
28/06/2018 | G.O (Rt) No.1279/2018/H.EDN Higher Education Department - Plan Proposals- Working Group Meeting -Administrative Sanction to various plan schemes -sanction accorded- orders issued |
28/06/2018 | G.O (Rt) No.1275/2018/H.EDN Higher Education Department -Higher Education - Training on LED Bulb making under IHRD Administrative sanction accorded orders issued (w.g. 22.06.2018) |
28/06/2018 | G.O (Rt) No.1273/2018/H.EDN Higher Education Department -Collegiate Education - allotment of fund for Scholar Support Programme and Walk With a Scholar - Administrative sanction accorded - orders issued w.g. 22.06.2018 |